Visual impairment resulting from faulty refraction of light rays in the eye. 因为眼睛对光线的折射有毛病而导致的视力减弱。
Methods According to the refraction of the simplified eye, the posterior capsulorhexis area was calculated by geometric method. 方法根据简化眼屈光学原理,应用几何学计算方法进行后囊有效光学区的面积计算。
Through the analysis of refraction, diffraction effects and shorten effect of wavelength, a correct method of calculation resolving power of the human eye is indicated. 通过对折射、衍射和波长变短效应的分析,指出了计算人眼分辩本领的正确方法。
Eye model is an optical system which is applied to theoretical research of the refraction system of the human eye and simulates imaging of the eye. 模型眼是用于进行眼球光学系统理论研究并模拟人眼成像状态的光学结构。
The refraction of silicone filled eye in non-accommodative status; 调节状态下正常眼球与硅油填充后眼球的屈光状态;
Methods three hundred and one cases 602 eye, except on case with abnormal refraction under the paralyzed ciliary muscles were chosen at random and examined, no infections of the external eyes, cataracts, fundus diseases and other eye infections were found. 方法随机选择门诊睫状肌麻痹下的屈光不正患者301例602眼(1例除外),全部进行远近视力、外眼和眼底检查,均无眼前节炎症、白内障、眼底病和其他眼疾。
Refraction does not affect the incidence of dry eye after LASIK. 屈光度的大小不影响LASIK术后干眼的发病率。
Cornea& as one of the most important part of eye affects the refraction of the eye most. 而角膜是人眼的重要组成部分,对眼睛的屈光度影响最大。